language: |
ID | 7 |
GPS Position | 47.076124 North, 2.392002 East precision: verified with sattelite images and photos |
Navigation | Route planner |
Type | public |
Status | operational |
Address | Engie parking palais des congrès Rue Edmond Jongleux 18000 Bourges, France |
Opening hours | 5-22 |
Payment | credit cards (Visa,Mastercard), debit cards (Maestro,V-Pay), filling cards (Badge GNVert) |
Telephone | |
Price | 3.621 EUR/kg |
Remarks | The station is at the end of the parking area (Plateau d'Auron). Stäubli connector, dead-man's control. |
Map | |
Last change | 2023-03-27 22:44:42 |
Filling reports | 2023-09-13, 2021-02-10, 2020-08-22, 2020-08-19, 2020-08-15, 2019-12-22, 2017-07-29, 2017-06-10, 2012-05-04, 2011, ... |
Links |